Join the Support Series...
Beyond the Guilt Trap:
Finally Find Inner Peace!

Let Go of Your Guilt and Find Serenity

Hosted by Caro Brookings

This support series is right for you if you want to:

  • feel hopeful, happier and lighter

  • forgive so you can find inner peace

  • live a joyful life and not just survive

  • remember your loved one for whom they were, not how they died

  • believe deep down in your heart that you did the best you could with what you knew at the time

  • understand that there were outside influences contributing to your loved one's suicide - things you had no control over

woman smiling with text "for suicide loss survivors"

5 Days of Bite Sized Guidance

Receive an email each day on how you too can let go of your guilt and find peace.

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Advice &


Grief affects everyone differently, you can either read the email or watch a video. I'll also go live inside my private Facebook group each day for support and to answer any questions you have for me.

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Your Own

Personalized Plan

It takes longer than 5 days to let go of your guilt, so at the end of the support series, you walk away with actionable steps you can implement. You know exactly what to do to find peace and joy again.

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Brain Based, Science Backed Strategies

This isn’t a typical support series, where you just get some fluff and information about what might work. Everything I share with you is proven to work through scientific research and even brain scans.

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A Supportive


As part of the support series, you also have the opportunity to join my FREE private Facebook group full of other of suicide loss survivors who also want to heal and move forward. You are not alone.

What are other suicide loss survivors saying about this Support Series?

Jill True (California)

“I know with Caro's help and continued practice, I can have a positive grief journey.”

I started my grief journey on December 14, 2021, at 12:16 pm, when I received a text from my son Christopher telling me and his sister, “I’m sorry, please know that. I’m sorry”. I like to think that my grief journey started as an experiment. I had no idea how to begin or where to turn. I was already seeing a therapist at the time, but quickly became aware that my therapist did not specialize in matters of grief. I needed more.

Caro is extremely understanding of everyone’s “individual” journey. I instantly connected with Caro and felt like she understood exactly how I was feeling. 

I’ve participated in Caro’s support series. I’ve learned numerous valuable techniques that I now use daily, which helps me handle intrusive thoughts, guilt, negative self-talk, shame and so much more.

My life is forever changed by my son’s suicide. I know with Caro’s help and continued practice, I can have a positive grief journey, filled with peace, love, laughter, and joy, all while honoring my son.

“Live, love, laugh, enjoy the little things and do not linger here” by Christopher Lee True 12/13/21

Ana (UK)

“I feel so much lighter and my grief so much more manageable.”

Annie (Saskatchewan, Canada)

"Finally, I’m really seeing and feeling the joy around me."

On March 9, 2019 my first born, Lucas, died by suicide. He will be forever 37. I was absolutely devastated! So many emotions swirled around me. Circumstances at the time prevented me from fully feeling and I went into caretaker mode. Anger, sadness, guilt, frustration to name a few, finally reared their ugly heads! As a result I ended up taking stress leave.

Caro was the pivotal reason I’ve started truly moving forward in this pain and joy journey. Her positive and caring character helped me to feel normal! Caro is so attentive and understanding. Her action steps absolutely amazed me. I did reframe my thinking. Finally, I’m really seeing and feeling the joy around me. I have more tools and strategies to cope.

Tammy (Ohio)

"I had been in a very dark place for too long."

The tools that Caro gave me in the support series really helped me learn how to release that guilt and then take the negative self talk that was looping in my head and turn it into positive affirmations so that I would learn how to cope better with the stressors that come along with existing in the wake of suicide loss. I had been in a very dark place for too long and it was hard to carry on like that day in and day out.

In addition to the tools that Caro gave me, she was incredibly supportive with her feedback every step of the way. Her caring, direct and consistent communication with me personally, made all the difference in giving me the confidence that I could succeed in living again rather than dreading each new morning. I thank the stars for Caro!

With gratitude, Caleb’s mom, Tammy B.

Gisele (Quebec, Canada)

"I almost immediately felt a change in my well-being."

My son Martin, forever 23, got his angel wings in February 2021 after losing his 5+ year battle with mental health. As a parent and former mental health professional, it was extremely difficult for me to cope with the fact that I wasn’t able to help my son. I found myself ruminating, constantly reimagining conversations with my son that I wish had taken place or replaying difficult conversations that I did have with him.

Even though I was knowledgeable about how to control negative thoughts and feelings, it wasn’t until I participated in Carolin’s support series that I was better able to manage the guilt when it surfaced. After completing the exercises WITH PEN and PAPER (this is critical), I almost immediately felt a change in my well-being. I am now more compassionate towards myself, and understand that mental health/suicide is a very complex, multidimensional issue and that engaging in destructive “what ifs” and “should haves” only serves to retraumatize ourselves.

I am very grateful to have participated in this support series and I am now increasingly focused on honouring my son’s memory, whichever way I can.

With loads of affection,


woman sitting in a wicker chair holding a cup of tea with trees in the background

Meet Your Host: Caro Brookings

Hello, I'm Caro. My wonderful Mum took her life in November 2013 so I have firsthand experience of the complex grief that comes with suicide loss and I understand what support you really need (even if you are not sure yourself). 

After trying every healing strategy under the sun, I finally found the one which works when I learned all about refuting thoughts and rewiring the brain.

I am now a Certified Neurocoach™ and grief coach, enabling me to support my clients find inner peace and even joy again - for good.

And I can help you too when you join my FREE 5 day Beyond the Guilt Trap: Finally Find Inner Peace Support Series!

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