Holding Onto Guilt is

Keeping You Stuck!

3 Empowering Insights To Help Suicide Loss Survivors Find Inner Peace

Get ready to challenge your own assumptions about what it takes to let go of your guilt and find inner peace, even when you find yourself down the rabbit hole of “should haves” and “could haves”.

Here’s just a Glimpse of What You’ll Uncover
during the Webinar

  • 3 Empowering Insights that help you find inner peace so you can be present and engaged with your family and friends again

  • How to develop self-compassion and forgiveness so your subconscious doesn’t work against you

  • Building the confidence to know you have what it takes to let go of your guilt - after this, the phrase “inner peace is possible for everyone else but not me” will be history.

  • How to build the commitment and accountability to follow through, even if you struggle to get motivated right now

  • How to get back on track if you face a setback or two

Who is this for?


01. Opportunity


Finding Inner Peace can help you get out of the rabbit hole of “what ifs” and “whys” so you can redirect your energy to more positive things, like honoring your loved one.

02. Possibility


You are overwhelmed with all of the healing strategies out there, from peer support groups to counseling, and you want something that actually works for YOU.

03. Curiosity


You are in the right place! If you have been watching from the sidelines and waiting for your moment, this is it. The best past, I will be there LIVE to answer all your questions..

Don't just take my word for it...

Annie (Saskatchewan, Canada)

“Finally, I’m really seeing and feeling the joy around me."

My son Lucas died by suicide in 2019.I was absolutely devastated! So many emotions swirled around me. Circumstances at the time prevented me from fully feeling and I went into caretaker mode. Anger, sadness, guilt, frustration to name a few, finally reared their ugly heads! As a result I ended up taking stress leave.

Caro was the pivotal reason I’ve started truly moving forward in this pain and joy journey. Her positive and caring character helped me to feel normal! Caro is so attentive and understanding. Her action steps absolutely amazed me. I did reframe my thinking. Finally, I’m really seeing and feeling the joy around me. I have more tools and strategies to cope.

Tammy (Ohio)

“I had been in a very dark place for too long.”

The tools that Caro gave me really helped me learn how to release that guilt and then take the negative self talk that was looping in my head and turn it into positive affirmations so that I would learn how to cope better with the stressors that come along with existing in the wake of suicide loss. I had been in a very dark place for too long and it was hard to carry on like that day in and day out.

In addition to the tools that Caro gave me, she was incredibly supportive with her feedback every step of the way. Her caring, direct and consistent communication with me personally, made all the difference in giving me the confidence that I could succeed in living again rather than dreading each new morning. I thank the stars for Caro!

With gratitude, Caleb’s mom, Tammy B.

Gisele (Quebec, Canada)

“I almost immediately felt a change in my well-being.”

My son Martin got his angel wings in 2021 after losing his 5+ year battle with mental health. As a parent and former mental health professional, it was extremely difficult for me to cope with the fact that I wasn’t able to help my son. I found myself ruminating, constantly reimagining conversations with my son that I wish had taken place or replaying difficult conversations that I did have with him.

Even though I was knowledgeable about how to control negative thoughts and feelings, it wasn’t until I participated in Carolin’s series that I was better able to manage the guilt when it surfaced. After completing the exercises WITH PEN and PAPER (this is critical), I almost immediately felt a change in my well-being. I am now more compassionate towards myself, and understand that mental health/suicide is a very complex, multidimensional issue and that engaging in destructive “what ifs” and “should haves” only serves to retraumatize ourselves.

I am very grateful to have participated in this series and I am now increasingly focused on honouring my son’s memory, whichever way I can.

With loads of affection, Gisele.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this Webinar actually live?

Yes it is. There are 3 different date/time options for you to choose from so hopefully you’ll be able to make it to one of them! I will be there to share the 3 empowering insights to finding inner peace with you, as well as to answer all of your questions.

I am not sure if this is really for me, can you explain who this Webinar is for?

If you are a suicide loss survivor who is ready to let the guilt go, and you’re not quite sure how to go about it, you are in the right place!

I have already tried all the Healing Strategies under the sun, will I discover anything new here?

Yes! Everything I talk about is based on Neuroscience and specifically adapted for suicide loss survivors. I lost my Mum to suicide 10 years ago so I know what it’s like to be where you’re at.

Will there be a chance to ask questions during the Webinar?

Absolutely! I love answering your questions! This webinar is as interactive as you want it to be, rather than just me talking at you. Comments and questions are very welcome!

Is this really free?!

Absolutely. All you need to do is sign up with your name and e-mail address so I can send you the details, including the link. And don’t worry, I will never spam you or pass on your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

A Note From Caro…

(your personal guide to letting go of your guilt and finding inner peace, even if you’re stuck in a huge grief wave right now…)

I wish I’d known what I know now back then when I first lost my Mum to suicide and all I wanted to do was to go back in time and change the outcome…

10 years ago my dear Mum took her life. I struggled with guilt and felt trapped by my negative thoughts. I tried all the different healing strategies and nothing worked, until I decided to take my healing into my own hands when my first daughter was born back in 2018. I learned how the brain works and subsequently rewired my brain. It was a game changer for me, enabling me to let go of my guilt, forgive myself (and my Mum) and find inner peace.

Knowing how little support is out there for us suicide loss survivors, I knew I was going to be the change I wanted to see in the world and so I completed my Neurocoaching Certification. Since then I have helped thousands of others bereaved by suicide through 1:1 coaching, group coaching, online courses, my private Facebook group and more.

My mission today is to help you find your inner peace, because I know you deserve it and I know what becomes possible for you!

There will never be a “perfect” time, so while everyone else is trying to figure it out by themselves or is waiting to feel “ready”, you can change your life NOW.

This brand-new webinar is the culmination of what I have learned as a suicide loss survivor and certified NeuroCoach for the last decade. I am looking forward to sharing it all with you!

This is your chance to lead a peaceful life, where you are present and engaged with your family and friends, whilst making sure your loved one is remembered for how they lived and not how they died.

You don’t need to know HOW but you do need to have a WHY - if having moments of joy without feeling guilty sounds like your idea of a worthwhile way to honor your loved one, then I'll see you on the webinar.

Sending you love and strength


Show Up LIVE to the Webinar and you’ll get a free resource to

start your morning the right way

Setting your intentions for the day is one thing…

But having a Morning Routine which is brain based and science backed is another! If you don’t know how to start your morning the most effective way, you’re about to!

The Morning Routine Guide includes detailed suggestions of how to set yourself up for the day ahead, including reading, journaling, affirmations and more!

It’s only available if you join me for the Webinar at your scheduled time, so save your spot below and make sure you show up live to snag this bonus!

Disclaimer - This webinar is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to find your inner peace after suicide loss.

Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. At the end of the webinar, a program will be offered for purchase.

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