Welcome! I'm Caro!

I am sorry you lost your loved one to suicide.
You’ll find the link you came here for below, as well as other helpful resources to let go of your guilt and find inner peace!

young woman with short dark hair sitting outside with a mug


You just need to know the right steps to take…

Hello, I'm Caro. After losing my beloved Mum to suicide in 2013, I struggled with complex grief, including feelings of guilt, for quite some time and quickly realized that there isn't enough support out there for us suicide loss survivors.

After trying different healing strategies, I finally found the one which works when I learned all about refuting untrue and unhelpful thoughts. It had such a profound impact on my life that I decided to help others who suffered the same fate as me.

I am now a Certified NeuroCoach™ and suicide bereavement coach. I use brain based, science backed methods, as well as drawing from my vast experience, to support my clients find inner peace and even joy again - for good.

​​What if you didn't have to struggle anymore?

Jill True (California)

“I know with Caro's help and continued practice, I can have a positive grief journey.”

At the start of my grief journey, I had no idea how to begin or where to turn. I was already seeing a therapist, but quickly became aware that my therapist did not specialize in matters of grief. I needed more.

Caro is extremely understanding of everyone’s “individual” journey. I instantly connected with Caro and felt like she understood exactly how I was feeling.

Caro’s process of “re-wiring your brain” has been so powerful for me. It works! Quite soon after I started working with Caro, I finally began to feel better. She is helping me turn my negative self-talk and the “what if’s” “I should’ve” and “why’s”, into factual positive thinking. I’ve learned numerous valuable techniques that I now use daily, which helps me handle intrusive thoughts, guilt, negative self-talk, shame and so much more.

My life is forever changed by my son’s suicide. I know with Caro’s help and continued practice, I can have a positive grief journey, filled with peace, love, laughter, and joy, all while honoring my son.

Ana (UK)

“I feel so much lighter and my grief so much more manageable.”

Caro has given me the tools to live a better life and I will be forever grateful! I felt stuck in my grief after losing my husband 4 years before, everything was so hard and heavy; I was scared that other loved ones would die of suicide, didn’t know how to deal with my children’s mental health, felt I wasn’t good enough and nobody cared really…

Caro helped me find my thoughts pattern, understand the reasoning and with this awareness refute these harmful thoughts… it’s a work in progress but I know what to do and how to do it now. I feel so much lighter and my grief so much more manageable. 😊

Testimonial with the words - Caro has given me the tools to live a better life and I will be forever grateful

Esther (UK)

My future has the potential to be fulfilling and meaningful.

"When I lost my son, Dom, to suicide last year it felt as if my life was also over and that I would never be able to experience happiness again. I am so glad I found Caro. With her unwavering support I have been able to see that it is possible to move forward after the loss of my son and that my future has the potential to be fulfilling and meaningful.

Using her first-hand experience of family suicide, and with skill, understanding and deep kindness, Caro has encouraged me to recognize the negative messages that may otherwise be holding me back from achieving my goal; I now no longer feel guilty for giving myself permission to fully live again after such tragedy, and I know this is what Dom would want for me."